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Course Code : IBO – 01
Course Title : International Business Environment
Assignment Code : IBO – 01/TMA/2016-17
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.
1. Do you think that study of international business environment is relevant for the managers. Give your arguments and explain the economic and financial environment of international business. (5+15)
2. (a) Describe the working of Bretton Woods System.
(b) Discuss the financial assistance provided by International Monetory Fund. (10+10)
3. Distinguish between :
(a) GATT and WTO
(b) Unlawful agreement and illegal agreement
(c) Current Account and Capital Account of balance of payments
(d) Utilitarianism and Formalism (4×5)
4. Comment on the following:
(a) Quantitative restrictions do not have the effect of imposing absolute limits on the goods traded.
(b) New technologies do not lead to economies in the use of raw materials.
(c) Quasi contracts do not represent certain relations resembling those created by contracts.
(d) Grey marketing arises when goods are imported and sold through distribution
channels authorised by the manufacturer. (4×5)
5. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Modern theory of trade
(b) Multilateral Investment Agreement
(c) Role of International Chamber of Commerce in Arbitration and Conciliation
(d) Code of ethics for International Marketing (4×5)
Course Code : IBO – 01
Course Title : International Business Environment
Assignment Code : IBO – 01/TMA/2016-17
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.
1. Do you think that study of international business environment is relevant for the managers. Give your arguments and explain the economic and financial environment of international business. (5+15)
2. (a) Describe the working of Bretton Woods System.
(b) Discuss the financial assistance provided by International Monetory Fund. (10+10)
3. Distinguish between :
(a) GATT and WTO
(b) Unlawful agreement and illegal agreement
(c) Current Account and Capital Account of balance of payments
(d) Utilitarianism and Formalism (4×5)
4. Comment on the following:
(a) Quantitative restrictions do not have the effect of imposing absolute limits on the goods traded.
(b) New technologies do not lead to economies in the use of raw materials.
(c) Quasi contracts do not represent certain relations resembling those created by contracts.
(d) Grey marketing arises when goods are imported and sold through distribution
channels authorised by the manufacturer. (4×5)
5. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Modern theory of trade
(b) Multilateral Investment Agreement
(c) Role of International Chamber of Commerce in Arbitration and Conciliation
(d) Code of ethics for International Marketing (4×5)
Course Code : IBO – 02
Course Title : International Marketing Management
Assignment Code : IBO – 02/TMA/2016-17
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.
1. An Indian company desires to enter into international markets to export garments and fruit juices and spices. What orientation among the EPRG framework should the company follow to achieve best results? Discuss. (20)
2. How is international market segmentation different from international market targeting? Explain the different bases on which an international market can be segmented. (20)
3. Describe the key issues in international marketing communication. (20)
4. How are the services differentiated from products? Describe the challenges in marketing of services. (20)
5. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Local brands vs Global brands
(b) Pricing methods and practices in international marketing
(c) Questionnaire
(d) Qualities of a good report (4×5)
Course Code : IBO – 03
Course Title : India’s Foreign Trade
Assignment Code : IBO – 03/TMA/2016-17
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.1. Discuss major problems faced by the export sector in India. (20)
2. “Liberalized Foreign Direct Investment Policy of the Indian Government was given a qualitative push to the export promotion measures.” Elaborate and discuss the inflow of FDI in India. (20)
3. Discuss various measures taken by the Government of India to enhance exports
of the agricultural products. (20)
4. What is meant by “Information Technology”? How has it helped in promotion of export of services of India? (5+15)
5. Comment briefly on the following statements:
(a) USA is India’s largest trading partner.
(b) Economic and trade relations between the EU and India have been
governed by different agreements signed from time to time.
(c) Manufacturing has been the main strength of the Japanese economy.
(d) The West Asian countries are very important for India’s foreign trade. (4×5)
Course Code : IBO – 03
Course Title : India’s Foreign Trade
Assignment Code : IBO – 03/TMA/2016-17
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.1. Discuss major problems faced by the export sector in India. (20)
2. “Liberalized Foreign Direct Investment Policy of the Indian Government was given a qualitative push to the export promotion measures.” Elaborate and discuss the inflow of FDI in India. (20)
3. Discuss various measures taken by the Government of India to enhance exports
of the agricultural products. (20)
4. What is meant by “Information Technology”? How has it helped in promotion of export of services of India? (5+15)
5. Comment briefly on the following statements:
(a) USA is India’s largest trading partner.
(b) Economic and trade relations between the EU and India have been
governed by different agreements signed from time to time.
(c) Manufacturing has been the main strength of the Japanese economy.
(d) The West Asian countries are very important for India’s foreign trade. (4×5)
Course Code : IBO – 04
Course Title : Export Import Procedures and Documentation
Assignment Code : IBO – 04/TMA/2016-17
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.1. You are a manager in an export firm. Enumerate the documents required under CIF contract and discuss their features. (4+16)
2. What are the objectives of exchange control? Describe the regulation and management of foreign exchange under exchange control regulations and facilities concerning exports. (4+16)
3. Distinguish between:
(a) Factoring and Forfaiting
(b) Actual Total Loss and Constructive Total Loss (10+10)
4. Comment on the following statements:
(a) Electronic Data Interchange do not provide strategic benefits to the organization.
(b) Documents against Acceptance do not have usance period.
(c) Under Bareboat charter ship-owner do not let out bare ship for a period of time.
(d) Under the financial assistance for Agricultural, Horticultural and meat exports, Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority do not provide financial assistance. (4×5)
5. Write notes on the following:
(a) Import documents
(b) Duty drawback Scheme (10+10)
Course Code : IBO – 04
Course Title : Export Import Procedures and Documentation
Assignment Code : IBO – 04/TMA/2016-17
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.1. You are a manager in an export firm. Enumerate the documents required under CIF contract and discuss their features. (4+16)
2. What are the objectives of exchange control? Describe the regulation and management of foreign exchange under exchange control regulations and facilities concerning exports. (4+16)
3. Distinguish between:
(a) Factoring and Forfaiting
(b) Actual Total Loss and Constructive Total Loss (10+10)
4. Comment on the following statements:
(a) Electronic Data Interchange do not provide strategic benefits to the organization.
(b) Documents against Acceptance do not have usance period.
(c) Under Bareboat charter ship-owner do not let out bare ship for a period of time.
(d) Under the financial assistance for Agricultural, Horticultural and meat exports, Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority do not provide financial assistance. (4×5)
5. Write notes on the following:
(a) Import documents
(b) Duty drawback Scheme (10+10)
Course Code : IBO-05
Course Title : International Marketing Logistics
Assignment Code : IBO-05/TMA/2016-17
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.1. (a) What do you understand by the institutional arrangements for resolving shipper’s problem? Explain.
(b) Privatisation of ports is considered necessary for the fast development of port infrastructure. (10+10)
2. What are the three important concepts relevant to the logistics management by an organization? Explain them briefly and state which one you regard as the best approach and why? (20)
3. Distinguish between the following:
(a) Re-order Level & Re-order Quantity
(b) Ship owner’s lien & Maritime lien
(c) Time Charter & Bareboat Charter
(d) Carriage of goods by Air & Carriage of Goods by Rail (4×5)
4. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Information Technology
(b) Warehousing
(c) Liner Vessel
(d) Joint Ventures (4×5)
5. Briefly comment on the following:
(a) Cross subsidization is the characteristics feature of the liner freight.
(b) Bill of Lading is a document of title to goods.
(c) Application for registration is made by the ship owner.
(d) Controlling inventories are vital in the logistics activity mix. (4×5)
Course Code : IBO-05
Course Title : International Marketing Logistics
Assignment Code : IBO-05/TMA/2016-17
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.1. (a) What do you understand by the institutional arrangements for resolving shipper’s problem? Explain.
(b) Privatisation of ports is considered necessary for the fast development of port infrastructure. (10+10)
2. What are the three important concepts relevant to the logistics management by an organization? Explain them briefly and state which one you regard as the best approach and why? (20)
3. Distinguish between the following:
(a) Re-order Level & Re-order Quantity
(b) Ship owner’s lien & Maritime lien
(c) Time Charter & Bareboat Charter
(d) Carriage of goods by Air & Carriage of Goods by Rail (4×5)
4. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Information Technology
(b) Warehousing
(c) Liner Vessel
(d) Joint Ventures (4×5)
5. Briefly comment on the following:
(a) Cross subsidization is the characteristics feature of the liner freight.
(b) Bill of Lading is a document of title to goods.
(c) Application for registration is made by the ship owner.
(d) Controlling inventories are vital in the logistics activity mix. (4×5)
Course Code : IBO – 06
Course Title : International Business Finance
Assignment Code : IBO – 06/TMA/2016-17
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.1. (a) Differentiate between gold standard and gold exchange standard.
(b) What was Bretton Woods System? What were its distinctive features? (8+12)
2. (a) An adverse balance of payments is always a sign of weakness in the economy.” Comment.
(b) Compare the advantages and disadvantages of ‘fixed’ and ‘floating’
exchange rate systems. (10+10)
3. (a) Explain the different kinds of risks in foreign exchange faced by multinational corporations.
(b) What is money market hedge? Explain the mechanism of money market
hedge with an example. (10+10)
4. Explain the different ways of managing political risks. (20)
5. (a) Cost of capital and capital structure decisions are interrelated. Comment.
(b) What do you understand by counter trade? When counter trade can be beneficial for a country? (10+10)
Course Code : IBO – 06
Course Title : International Business Finance
Assignment Code : IBO – 06/TMA/2016-17
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.1. (a) Differentiate between gold standard and gold exchange standard.
(b) What was Bretton Woods System? What were its distinctive features? (8+12)
2. (a) An adverse balance of payments is always a sign of weakness in the economy.” Comment.
(b) Compare the advantages and disadvantages of ‘fixed’ and ‘floating’
exchange rate systems. (10+10)
3. (a) Explain the different kinds of risks in foreign exchange faced by multinational corporations.
(b) What is money market hedge? Explain the mechanism of money market
hedge with an example. (10+10)
4. Explain the different ways of managing political risks. (20)
5. (a) Cost of capital and capital structure decisions are interrelated. Comment.
(b) What do you understand by counter trade? When counter trade can be beneficial for a country? (10+10)
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