Hospital Planning and Management Solved Assignments for Suresh Gyan Vihar University (SGVU)

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Suresh Gyan Vihar University Solved Assignments



Semester – 3

Hospital Planning and Management


Q1. Write answers for any two questions from below. (5 marks each – Word limit – 500)

A. Justify the statement "Hospital viewed as a system".

B. Describe the passive design aspects to enhance natural lightning in hospitals.

C. What do you understand by the term "Organization? How can be a Hospital is considered as an organization?


Q2. Write short notes on all of the following topics (1 mark each - Word limit - 100)

A. What is site information?

B. Explain Organizational Behavior.

C. Green House Keeping.

D. What are hospital bottlenecks?

E. What is compliancy of hospitals?





Semester – 3

Hospital Planning and Management


Q1. Write answers for any two questions from below. (5 marks each – Word limit – 500)

A. Explain the functions of community health center.

B. What are the functions of management in hospitals?

C. Describe the peculiarities of a hospital system.


Q2. Write short notes on all of the following topics (1 mark each - Word limit - 100)

A. Explain Community health center

B. What is hospital management?

C. Explain public utilities.

D. What is hospital efficiency?

E. What is curative medicine?
