Date of Submission of Assignments

1st Year Registration / Session
Last Date of Submission

January 2014
Semester I
31st March 2014
Semester II
30th September 2014

July 2014
Semester I
30th September 2014
Semester II
31st March 2015

(Tutor Marked Assignment)
Course Code: MTM-9                                                                               Programme: MTM                                                                                                                                                    
Total Marks:  100                                                       Assignment Code: MTM-9/TMA/2014

Note:    This TMA consists of two parts.
Part I consists of two questions out of which you have to attempt any one. The question carries 25 marks and should be answered in about 700 words.
Part II consists of ten questions. Attempt any five in about 500 words each. Each question carries 15 marks unless otherwise specified.
Send your TMA to the Coordinator of your Study Centre.


1)    Define Market Research and its purpose in tourism industry. Explain the various research methodologies.                                                                                             25
2)    What is the importance of information in tourism? Discuss the various sources of information.                                                                                                              25


1)    What do you understand by new markets in tourism? Identify new markets for India and suggest strategies for marketing India as a destination.                                                15

2)    Discuss the characteristics and tourism trends of major European source markets of India.                                                                                                                         15

3)    Write short notes in about 200 words each.                                                         5x3=15
       i)  Travel motivators
       ii) Time share market
       iii) Market segmentation                                                                                                         
4)    Compare and contrast the dimensions and status of Indian Inbound and Outbound tourism.                                                                                                                     15

5)    Elucidate basic differences between Market-led and Alternative tourism products and their marketing styles.                                                                                                15

6)    “Root tourism is the reason for NRIs travel to India” Discuss the above statement highlighting the various issues to be addressed for targeting the NRI market.            15

7)    Explain the factors responsible for the growth and development of tourism in the East Pacific region..                                                                                                        15

8)    Why is tourism considered a hard business activity? Outline the various constraints in marketing India as a world class tourist destination.                                                 15

9)    Define domestic tourism. What are the infrastructural requirements for the development of domestic tourism in India?                                                              15

10)  What are the emerging trends and issues in tourism marketing? Explain the relevance of relationship marketing in tourism industry.                                                                         15


(Tutor Marked Assignment)

Course Code: MTM-10                                                                             Programme: MTM
Total Mark: 100                                                    Assignment Code: MTM-10/TMA/2014

Note: This TMA consists of two parts.
Part I consists of two questions out of which you have to attempt any one. The question
carries 25 marks and should be answered in about 700 words.
Part II consists of 10 questions. Attempt any five in about 500 words each. Each question
carries 15 marks.
Send your TMAs to the Coordinator of your Study Centre.

1.     What do you understand by GATT? Describe its key features in brief and deliberate upon the impacts of GATS on tourism.                                                                                     25

2.     Describe the reasons for importance of hills and mountains as preferred tourist destinations. Discuss various aspects of hill tourism and analyse its impacts on the environment.                                                                                                                 25

1.     Elaborate the role played by different segments of the tourism system in sustainable tourism development.                                                                                                      15

2.     Discuss the characteristics of tourism at the global level. Discover the economic effects of mass tourism at international level.                                                                             15

3.     Examine the potential determinants of the tourism carrying capacity and discuss the problems associated with the measuring of tourism carrying capacity.                          15

4.   What are the problems faced by crafts person and artisans in India? Discuss the social issues that have emerged because of the relationship between tourism and crafts.                     15

5.     How gambling and use of drugs are related to tourism? What measures would you propose to rid the tourism from the negative impacts of gambling and use of drugs?      15

6.     What is wild life tourism? Critically analyze the role of non-governmental organization in wildlife management.                                                                                                       15

7.     Write an essay on eco-tourism resources of India.                                                           15

8.     Suggest some remedial measures to offset the impacts of tourism on islands and beaches.                                                                                                                                                      15
9.     How political ideologies are influencing tourism development? Is three any relationship between tourism, public administration and bureaucracy? Discuss.                                    15

10.  Briefly describe some of the legal acts in India that have a bearing on tourism.             15

(Tutor Marked Assignment)

Course Code: MTM-11                                                                                 Programme: MTM
Total Mark: 100                                                         Assignment Code: MTM/TMA/2014

Note: This TMA consists of two parts.
Part I consists of two questions out of which you have to attempt any one. The question
carries 25 marks and should be answered in about 700 words.
Part II consists of 10 questions. Attempt any five in about 500 words each. Each question
carries 15 marks.
Send your TMAs to the Coordinator of your Study Centre.


1. What do you understand by tourism planning? Discuss the various steps in planning process.25

2. Explain different approaches to tourism planning.                                                                   25


1.        What do you understand by environmental planning process? What type of socio-cultural benefits can tourism bring?                                                                                         15

2.        Discuss the various techniques that can be applied to enhance the economic benefits of tourism.   15
3.        Discuss the role of government in tourism planning.                                                           15

4.        Discuss the major elements of plan implementation in tourism.                                         15

5.        Discuss the planning goals for tourism development.                                                          15

6.        Write an essay on theme parks.                                                                                             15

7.        Discuss the role of public and private sectors in tourism planning.                                    15

8.        What is the difference between conventional and strategic planning?                                15

9.        Explain the role of WTO in the international tourism industry.                                              15

10.     Write short note on the following:                                                                            5X3 = 15
a)               Sustainable Tourism Development
b)               Event Planning
c)                Regional Level Planning

(Tutor Marked Assignment)
Course Code: MTM-12                                                                              Programme: MTM                                                                                                                                                    
Total Marks:  100                                                     Assignment Code: MTM-12/TMA/2014

Note:    This TMA consists of two parts.
Part I consists of two questions out of which you have to attempt any one. The question carries 25 marks and should be answered in about 700 words.
Part II consists of ten questions. Attempt any five in about 500 words each. Each question carries 15 marks.
Send your TMA to the Coordinator of your Study Centre.

1)  Discuss the characteristics of Service Industry. What do you understand by Services Mix? Explain with suitable examples.                                                                                                                         25                                                                           OR                                                                      
2)   What is meant by Destination Planning? Explain with suitable examples the stages in the Tourist Destination Designing and Management.                                                                                         25


1)    What do you understand by Special Interest Tourism? Explain with three such tourism products.                                                                                                                              15

2)  As a Tourism Professional how would you design and position your Adventure Tourism Product?                                                                                                                                               15

3)  What are the characteristics of a Religious Tourism Product? What are factors to consider while designing Religious Tourism Product?                                                                                       15

4)     Discuss with examples the potential of Ethnic Tourism in India.                                        15

5)     Write short notes on any three:                                                                                            3 x 5 = 15
i)       Health Tourism
ii)     River Cruise Tourism
iii)   Eco Tourism
iv)    Rural Tourism
6)     What is the scope of developing wildlife tourism in India? How would you position and promote such a product?                                                                                                       15                                                                                          
7)     ‘India has immense possibility and scope of developing Beach Tourism Destination’. Comment and design a Beach Tourism Product.                                                                                 15      

8)     Discuss the Resort designing and planning process. What are the problems and challenges associated with Resort Development in India?                                                                                     15                                                                                                          
9)    ‘All the festivals of India are potential Cultural Tourism Products’. Examine the statement with suitable examples.                                                                                                       15

10)  Write short notes on any three in about 200 words each:                                                3x5=15                                                               
i)       Sensitising the Tourist
ii)     Carrying Capacity
iii)   Event Management
iv)    Life Style as a Tourism Product

(Tutor Marked Assignment)

Course Code: MTM-13                                                                       Programme: MTM
Total Mark: 100                                                Assignment Code: MTM-13/TMA/2014

Note: This TMA consists of two parts.

Part I consists of two questions out of which you have to attempt any one. The question carries 25 marks and should be answered in about 700 words.
Part II consists of 10 questions. Attempt any five in about 500 words each. Each question carries 15 marks.
Send your TMAs to the Coordinator of your Study Centre.

1.        What do you understand by distribution system? Explain the process of selling in tourism through distribution chains.                                                                                        25
2.                    2. Why assessments of market and consumer needs are necessary before opening food and beverage outlets? Enlist factors to be considered while purchasing equipments related to restaurants.                                                                                                             25

1.        How community can be involved in tourism development planning process and decision making? Give suitable examples.                                                                        15
2.        Discuss the in-house managerial roles and functions of a tour operator.                     15
3.        How customer care in other sector is different from caring for customers in tourism?    15
4.        Write short notes on the following:                                                                        (5X3=15)                                                        
a)     Use of technology in tour operations
b)     Formalities for PATA membership
c)     Inter-sectoral linkages in tourism
5.        Discuss various procedures associated with inbound and outbound tour operations.        15
6.        Describe travel agency operations. What is the need for departmentalization in a travel agency business?                                                                                                                     15
7.        Why sustainable relationships with principal suppliers are needed in managing travel agency operations?                                                                                                                  15
8.        What is the importance of promotional campaigns in travel and tourism business?       15
9.        Write an essay on organization structure and functions of the housekeeping department. 15
10.     Discuss the role of unorganized hotel sector in hospitality business. Elaborate the services provided by unorganized hotel sector in India.                                                                        15

(Tutor Marked Assignment)
Course Code: MTM-14                                                                              Programme: MTM                                                                                                                                                    
Total Marks:  100                                                     Assignment Code: MTM-14/TMA/2014

Note:    This TMA consists of two parts.
Part I consists of two questions out of which you have to attempt any one. The question carries 25 marks and should be answered in about 700 words.
Part II consists of ten questions. Attempt any five in about 500 words each. Each question carries 15  marks.
Send your TMA to the Coordinator of your Study Centre.


1)   How can we apply the market segmentation approaches in tourist transport operations? Explain with the help of relevant examples.                                                                               25

2)  Explain the role and importance of Transportation in the growth of tourism activities through the ages. Explain with help of suitable examples.                                                                                 25


1)       What is the role of private sector in managing Tourist Transport system?            15                                                                                                                                                                    

2)       Discuss the role of various state regulatory bodies in sustaining the efficient functioning of the transportation system.                                                                                                                15                                                                                                                                

3)       As an entrepreneur, what difficulties do you foresee in setting up of a transport company?                                                                                                                  15

4)        What are the steps of formulating a sales strategy for a Tourist Transport Business?                15

5)     Write short notes on any three in about 200 words each:                                               3x5=15
i)         Leakages in Tourist Transport Business
ii)       Customer Care in Transportation Operations
iii)      Relationship between demand and pricing
iv)      Demand assessment in Tourist Transport

6)     Discuss the various offences and penalties procedures under the Motor Vehicle Act.                    15

7)     What is recruitment process in Tourist Transport Organisations? What qualities must you look for in a tourist taxi driver?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 15

8)     Discuss the managerial functions in a Transport Business.                                                   15

9)     What are the various components of costing Transport business? What role do Variable Costs play in tourist transport operations?                                                                                                  15

10)  Write short notes on any three in about 200 words each:                                    3 x 5 = 15
i)       Rent – a- car
ii)     Tourist permits
iii)   Personal Selling
iv)    Tourist Infrastructure

(Tutor Marked Assignment)

Course Code: MTM-15                                                                              Programme: MTM
Total Marks:  100                                                     Assignment Code: MTM-15/TMA/2014

Note:    This TMA consists of two parts.
Part I consists of two questions out of which you have to attempt any one. The question carries 25 marks and should be answered in about 700 words.
Part II consists of ten questions. Attempt any five in about 500 words each. Each question carries 15 marks.
Send your TMA to the Coordinator of your Study Centre.

1)    What do you understand by Convention Management? Discuss the operations involved in managing an international convention.                                                                  25
2)    What are the strength and shortcomings of India as a MICE destination? Discuss the steps taken by the government to promote India as a MICE destination.                      25


1)    Define Incentive travel. Discuss the motives and the key players in the incentive travel business.                                                                                                                    15

2) What does MICE stands for? What is the relevance of MICE travel in the hotel industry     business?                                                                                                                          15      
3) Identify the different types of Trade Shows and the specific services required for managing them?                                                                                                                               15
4)   Write short notes on the following in about 200 words each                           (5X3= 15)
i)  Specialist Service contractors
ii) Conference Centres
iii)           Purpose of Exhibitions 

5)    Who is a meeting planner and what are its responsibilities?                                         15

6)    Define the term ‘Exhibition’. How would you develop a marketing plan for an Art Exhibition in a metro city?                                                                                      15
7)         Discuss the impact of an international convention or a major sporting event on the economy of the host destination.

8)    Elaborate the technological advancement and its impact on the operations of the MICE sector.                                                                                                          15

9)    Why do we need sponsors while holding Conventions? What role do these sponsors play for successful promotional campaigns of the conventions?                                15
10)  Write a detailed note on Post Convention tasks and their analysis.                                          15                                                                  
